Dott.ssa Mag. Cecilia Gori – Midwife

Postnatal Care


The puerperium begins after the birth. In almost all cultures it takes about 40 days: it is the time for the body to recover from pregnancy and childbirth.

As a midwife, I take care of the healthy development of your child during this time, control and support your physical recovery after the birth and am at your side with advice and deed. Topics such as breastfeeding or giving a bottle, sleeping, personal hygiene, carrying the baby, travel, etc. can be discussed if necessary. Involving partner or grandparents is very important to me for a family-strengthening postnatal time.

You also have the opportunity to contact me if you have any questions about breastfeeding, contraceptive options during breastfeeding, weaning and stop breastfeeding.


Breast milk contains everything baby needs for the first 6 months of life, in all the right proportions. Breast milk adapts to the development of the baby and changes with the different needs of the child through the breastfeeding period.
The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends that mature, normal-weight children have to be exclusively breast-fed up to the age of six months.

However, breastfeeding is not just breast milk: during breastfeeding, the baby also experiences body closeness and intimate contact with the mother. For this reason, breastfeeding has a calming effect on the mother’s psyche and the mixture of skin contact, looks, smells, sounds and the breastfeeding and cuddling hormone oxytocin strengthens the bond between mother and child. It is also healthier for mum: above all, it promotes the physical recovery after the birth and has also long-term benefits, such as a lower risk of breast cancer.

Breastfeeding is practical: the milk is always ready, has the perfect temperature and is free of charge!

If for any reason breastfeeding is not an option for you, I will be happy to support you during the process of stop breastfeeding and with questions about bottle hygiene and baby powder milk.