Dott.ssa Mag. Cecilia Gori – Midwife


Mutter-Kind-Pass Midwife Consultation

The Midwife consultation (“Hebammenberatung”) in the Mutter-Kind-Pass is a one-hour consultation free of charge between the 18th and 22nd week of pregnancy: enjoy the possibility to get in touch with me early.

The consultation is an additional offer to the medical check-ups and is of an advisory nature. It includes topics such as the choice of the place of birth, nutrition and exercise during pregnancy as well as informations about health-promoting and preventive behaviors.

Dad is always welcome!

Prenatal Care

The work of a midwife begins long before the birth!

During pregnancy, women need competent, loving, expert and individual support. You can contact me any time during your pregnancy: my job is to counsel you on all your questions about pregnancy, childbirth and the postnatal time as well as on the development of your baby in the first year of life.

During the consultation, I offer:
– Determination of pregnancy
– Measurement of vital parameters such as pulse and blood pressure
– Control of maternal weight gain
– urine and blood tests
– listening the child’s heartbeat and checking the child’s growth
– vaginal examinations and smears
– inspection of the pelvis and assessment of the outer and inner pelvic mass
– individual consult and support for everything related to pregnancy, childbirth and the postnatal time.

In addition to medical questions, there is also plenty time for your individual questions: frequent advice topics are diet and lifestyle during pregnancy, changes in partnership and sexuality, preparation for the child, options for birth preparation, social assistance during pregnancy and after the birth.

I’m looking after you!